Wednesday, February 3, 2016


The latest from the Smith circus...
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The Africa New Life US staff, and 5 of our Rwandan staff,
in Portland for a week of strategic planning!
Giving up a full-time salary and uprooting our family to join in the work ANL is doing in Rwanda was a step of obedience and faith that we have never regretted. It was scary and hard. To be honest, it still is. But the work we're doing is so worth it!  The deeper we get involved, the more we love it. I couldn't possibly have more confidence in the vision of this ministry or the people behind it. I speak with boldness and passion about our work because I really do believe in it. After all, I've seen the undeniable results! Lives are being truly transformed - it's not just a nice thing to put on a website. And thousands are coming to know Christ! I work with conviction, knowing intimately the integrity and heart behind this organization.

So do we wish we didn't have to raise support? Well it would certainly be easier. But honestly, we would have seriously missed out if we were simply handed a salary. God called us to do a job that didn't pay, so we took Him up on it. He offered us a chance to step out in faith for a life that would require us to lean on Him for provision. We will never regret that decision! I hate to admit it, but every once in a while we find ourselves terribly anxious about it all. In those times, we simply look back to remember how directly God called us to this ministry, and especially to remember how He has abundantly provided our every need, every step of the way. We trust fully in His faithfulness, and count it a joy to live such a life and to serve in the trenches of Africa New Life! There is no greater way to live your life than fully in the will of God. 

I (Jeremiah) got to spend a few days in Portland last week with my ANL co-workers, dreaming, planning and praying for the future. It was incredible to see individuals from 2 continents align so beautifully to the heartbeat and vision of God. We have such an amazing team! My new role of "Church Partnership Manager" is much more prominent and integral to the ministry, and has certainly increased my work load. I love it! I work with churches from all over the country, some new and some old, so that we can further the work in Rwanda and help churches live out their faith. Much of our ministry hinges on what God does through these churches. What a privilege!

On a side note: This increased role leads to our ability to make a deeper impact in Rwanda...which means that your investment in our family & ministry is now providing a greater return!

We're still working on building up the Atlanta region, but this has not been my primary focus as of late. Our family will be heading to Myrtle Beach in 2 weeks to run a sponsorship table for a SC Men's Conference!  Oh, and I've created the Cut Back Challenge - please check it out!
*Special Note: We have been hit with a seemingly endless barrage of unexpected expenses that we don't want to list here. We're fully aware that many of you would rather not be asked, and it has always been a goal of ours to never make anyone feel pressured. So...pressure's off!  If you would like to know more, please e-mail us
Ellie & Elijah have really been doing very well. It seems that we've been able to really enjoy family time more than ever before! Erin and I have been growing deeper in our faith and, in turn, closer to each other. We also had the opportunity to serve as captains at the Passion Conference in Phillips Arena - truly an honor. We are blessed!
Financial situation
Wisdom & effectiveness in new role
Outreach to neighbors

Kids continued emotional growth
Success of Cut Back Challenge


4 Smith's
4 Smith's
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